Saturday, April 23, 2011

E's Birthday day Celebration

Every year R and I take the kids out for their birthday day celebration. They get to choose what they really want to do and if it is reasonable then we go do it. This year E chose to go to build a bear and ice skating (she loves to ice skate even though she's been once) On Friday our family headed to the mall for build a bear workshop. She is just getting to the age of dressing and having outfits for animals and dolls. She has a black lab (blackie) who just had to have a new spring outfit. Of course K comes along as well and brings her bear for an outfit. After build a bear E was tired so we opted for new shoes, a ride on the carousel and lunch at Spaghetti Warehouse with the promise of skating next weekend. Here are some pics of our wonderfully fun day.
E. Starts off with an early present to build a bear

1st stop time for blackies bath

K washes bear

E gets blackie dress in the new spring outfit

K gets bear a ballerina outfit

Sisters and their best friends

a ride on the carousel 

K ready to go

Lunch in the train

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