Thursday, October 20, 2011

Pumpkin carving 1

Tonight at school we are having a pumpkin fest! The kids are super duper excited and usually so I am . I love going up there,  taking the girls and seeing all of our students dressed up. However, this week apparently a virus dressed up as a stomach bug and sinus bug has decided to trick or treat in my body. So I am a no go for the fun tonight. ;( I was trying to gage the girls reaction last night with "so how about not going to the pumpkin fest tomorrow and instead spend some extra time at "fun fest"? (a HUGE fall carnival with our church) Apparently that didn't go over well and so it was time to call in the reinforcements. A HUGE THANKS goes out to my parents who came over and got the girls to take them for some fun. ( Update: since I have been typing this, the girls came home and had a BLAST)

One of the things that is new this year is a pumpkin carving contest. Emma was excited about this and really wanted to enter. (she also has a little bit of both her parents competitiveness and really wanted to win) So, to add to the week that has already been hectic along with me being sick we needed to fit in a pumpkin carving night. We ended up carving it last night and picked up the final touches (flashing color light) today.  Here are some pictures of our pumpkin and costumes for tonight. ENJOY!
The beginning of the pumpkin fun- The best news is that they
are getting old enough now that they can almost gut it completely. =)


K did great.. Loved every bit and very determined to get the last string

look mom at all the seeds. 

E checking out if K is leaving any for her

Fun times!

Check out this hand full. 


Our finished pumpkin-Which I must say WON Scariest tonight!
E and K came home and were super excited!

It's all the tired faces.. Pumpkin carving is hard work -especially when it's after bed time. 

Our Halloween costumes.

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