Sunday, October 9, 2011


Happy Halloween sorta of. Ok so Happy Fall! Now only if it would feel like fall it would be great. I love October! A couple of reasons are... 1) Fall is officially here 2) Hopefully cooler weather. I am all about jeans and sweaters! 3) Pumpkins Pumpkins and more Pumpkins 4) Halloween 5) it's that much closer to Thanksgiving and Christmas. 

This week I decided to hurry fall weather along and bring out the fall clothes. Luckily as long as the girls don't hit a growth spurt this fall/winter most of their clothes from last year still fit. I only need to pick up a couple of things and we are set for fall. As I do live in Texas there closets kinda look crowded as I have left some shorts out since we could still get a 90 degree day or 2 or 3 =). 

On the K school front I think, hope, and pray that I have found her a new school. I am waiting for a call back so we can meet with the principal. This would be beneficial all the way around. Even better they go though the 9th grade and will add a grade every year. Not that I plan on having her there all the time but at least through kinder (if I can't get a transfer). 

Today was a rainy day! Whoo hooo RAIN! It rained all night and till around lunch today. I am so excited as were the girls. They couldn't wait to get out of church and puddle jump. So, as soon as church ended and lunch was had they put on their rain boots and headed out doors. Here are some pics from our puddle jumping day!

K showing off her jumping

E wasn't about to be outdone

jumping together

Planning their next plan

ummm rain smells so good

Love the rain!

They love mail and check to see if they have any

More jumping. They jumped till all the water was gone

Having a ball!

This is life!

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