Saturday, May 28, 2011


Well the last few weeks have been overwhelmingly busy. With the end of school approaching everyone is have year end programs, practices, graduations, etc.. This last week was the first week in a long time that we didn't have anything to do extra on any night. =) It was so nice to just come home and chill.
I have 4 days left of this school year and then onto summer school for a month where I get to meet the new little kiddos for next year. This week is going to be another busy week not a night but during the day. Monday is no school Whoo hoo, Tues is E's graduation from Kindergarten.. Sigh, Wed is our graduation at school, Thur we have water day, and fri is the last day and all the craziness that comes with that. On top of all that I have been fighting with what I thought was just allergies and finally just felt like crap and went to the doc.. Turns out I have bronchitis, sinusitis, blisters in my throat and ears full of fluid.. Whoo hooo lol, Funny thing is the doc asked if I could be off work for 1.5 weeks to get better.. I laughed and said school ends in 1.5 weeks. So NO!. She told me to take it easy then at work... Again.. lol . If you know my job you know that can not be done. So luckily I told my kid I am sick and he needs to be good.. at least we have had no running..

K has had her year end program and last day of school. She loved her class and her teacher this year which is a really big step for her. She had 2 best friends (only 1 at a time) and we still have some play dates with one of them. =) She is really excited to be going to Nana's school for Pre-K next year but wants her teachers to come with her. =(  In fact she was ready to go on Friday and cried when I told her she had to wait till after summer.

E finishes up this week as well with a kindergarten graduation. I can't believe she is going to be in 1st grade. I am hoping to get her to my school with me (which she is really excited about ) but I have to wait on the final word on that. If not then they will both be at Nana's school for another year.

We have 1 t-ball game left which the girls are excited about..not the game finally finishing and then it's on to dance. Which they are really really excited about.. I just hope once they realize they have to listen and follow what the teacher is telling them to do and it's not just free dance they will still like it.

I can not wait for the summer and all the fun things we get to do.. Playing in the water, the water park by us opens up for the girls and has SLIDES =), lots of art, etc.... it's going to be a great summer just needs to hurry up and get here. Well time for the saturday shopping and cleaning.. have a great week.

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