Monday, August 8, 2011

Last week of summer!

Well this is it. The final week of Summer 2011 for us to spend together. I go back to work next week and the kids start school the next 2 weeks. (one each week). I started thinking about things that we have done this summer and what we have accomplished and what not. (remember that list from the beginning of summer)  Since this summer has been SOOOO hot not much on our list has been accomplished mostly because it is outdoors and by 10am it's already 100 degrees. Some things we have done this summer is painting different ways,  played at the water parks, gone on 1 nature walk (due to fear of snakes this hasn't been high on my list), took the girls to their first beach experience, feed a lot of ducks and fish and other things.

  E has been wanting to go ice skating for the longest time again, and finally got K on her side to go as well. Since I asked the girls last night what are a couple of things they really want to do before going back to school they both said ice skating. Today's, great adventure was ice skating! It was suppose to be botanical gardens, bowling and ice skating but because of lack of sleep I went with what was the most important of the event of the day and what would mean the most to them. E loved ice skating and spent about 1 1/2 hrs on the ice (mommy gave out first) and didn't want to leave. K was excited when we got there. Got her skates on and walked over to the ice stepped on and started crying.. She was not having any part of it. She said she was scared, and couldn't get her balance. I had her go 1 time around the rink just to see if she would get use to it but it wasn't happening. Luckily there wasn't many people there and she sat on the bleaches and made a friend her age and played with her while E and I skated.

Also, today we made a garden for the Fairies. While most fairies prefer natural (nature) things our fairy garden has a little special other things as well to make life more comfortable. Here are some pictures of ice skating and our garden.
Look mom! I've got this

K and her new friend
E trying to figure it all out. 
Look no wall

Our fairy House

The sun setting on our house

The girls checking out the garden

Our Fairy Garden

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