I like for my life to have order. I like to know who, what, when, where, why before it happens. I like for things to be in place and ready to roll instead of running around stressing out and panicking. I don't like surprises! Especially when it comes to my children. I try as all mom's do, to do what is best for my children. Well, today was one of those things fall apart and I start panicking kinda days. They don't happen very often but when they do they are bad.
While K and I were having "our morning" (E was at 1st grade day at church) my mom calls. Dum Dum duh dun..... She informs me that she has been told that K will not be able to attend Pre k at her school. We have had K enrolled since May of last year. We bought uniforms (she is a uniform school) and a new backpack and a new lunch kit. She was excited about going to Nana's school just like E did. Then I had to crush her little spirit and tell her that she can't go. The look on her face was one I will not forgot. Tears formed in her eyes and she said, "But I have to go, E went, it's nana's school." This made her forget her McDonalds lunch (her choice today) and go into sad mode. The good news is while I was sitting there thinking about what the next plan should be the older gentleman sitting next to us came to the rescue. If there was a Santa I swear he was him. He was able to turn K's sad face into something happy and I am still not sure how he did it but it worked, He said you know, I caught a bit of your conversation and things always happen for a reason. It will all work out. As I started thinking about it he's right.. It's 103+ and at the end of last year the school didn't have AC, there were problems with it off and on all year. Did I really want to subject her to that. The pros were she was going all day everyday. The cons were is she really ready to go all day everyday? She is already on Kinder entry level do I really want her that much ahead and be bored in Kinder?
So, I start praying.. Please I have 2 days to find something for her please show me what to do.. So, it's time to pick up E from Church and even though they gave me the code to get in apparently I didn't write it down right and we have to walk around the building to get in.. I have this sense of calm come over me.. First Baptist has 2 options CDC and mothers day out. The only door I can get someone to is the CDC door. The lady looks at us and says can I help you? I say yes, I need a school for my daughter,(jokingly) just found out she can't go to the one we enrolled her in because they dropped the program. and I also need to pick up my other daughter from upstairs. So we go to her office and she says lets see what we have, we only have 6-6:30 care m-f, then pauses and looks at me and looks at K and says but we have a mothers day out on Tue/Thur from 9:30-2:30. I think the mothers day out is what your looking for. I say yes, and we go off to find the info. All the while she is talking to me about the program I just have this calm and yes this is it feeling.. This is where she belongs. So I get in the car and call the MDO director and leave a message. I come home and go to the site that it tells me too and see click here to register.. The price is perfect, I am ready to click, and then I see.... Sorry we are filled. Please try again later. My heart crashes.
So I start researching and there are options, she can go back to First Methodist, or there is another place I was going to call. Again, I say if this is meant to be please call me back.. Not more then 30 mins later the director calls and says I understand you are looking for a place for your daughter? I say yes, our other plans just got crushed. Please tell me you have space. She says yes we do, the website is acting up. I am working on it.. So, after all this I have a HUGE peace and comfort that K will be going to school. Yes it's only Tue/Thur but it's from 9:30-2:30 and I think that is all she needs right now. I can start back to work on Wed knowing this is taken care of.
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