Our morning started out with some......
Paper Doll time
Bella and E time while watching our morning PBS( the new favorite around here)
decided to make these cupcakes
K getting a turn to help
E getting her turn
more sandbox time while the cupcakes cook
The final result..
Time to go to Nana's and Pawpaw's while I go to the
dentist! UGH
Then it was park time since it is suppose to rain Thurs.
We had to go to the Park with the spinny thing
of course this was a very crowded park.
The look she gives while waiting!
Sitting pretty
More sandbox time after dinner- This time the dinosaurs were added
a welcome addition from Nana
Since it was so nice after dinner I decided to tackle the garden.
The whole thing looked like the part on the left.
Lots of green to get out. We worked till we couldn't see anymore.
It was a great outside spring day.
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