Tuesday, June 14, 2011

More Painting

The finished product from our shaving cream painting. 

We have gone paint crazy at our house. The girls LOVE to paint. Well, paint and paper can start to add up so I have come up with a new way to paint frugally and it worked wonders. (I am sure it's not NEW but to the girls it is =))  Our Paint consisted of a couple of drops of Tempera paint, add in a squirt of liquid soap for easy clean up, and add in some shaving cream then mix it all up. After adding all this together we had 1/2 a paint container of paint with only actually a little true paint. This kept the girls busy for about 45 mins.

I hung an old shower liner on the fence with twine from the dollar store and clips from the dollar store (or you can buy a new liner at the dollar store as well)

We added rocks to the bottom so it wouldn't fly maybe next time a line and clips on bottom as well

E hard at work

Painting a masterpiece

E decided splatter paint was fun so K followed along. As you can tell it got a little messy.. (good news with dish soap added to the paint  it cleaned right up with a wash rag. It also washed right off the liner and the fence)

E still hard at work

K adding her color mixing skill to it.. She wanted some purple. 

After they got finished painting we sprayed it down with the hose and it cleaned up, I left it out to dry  and then put the liner away for another day of painting. =)

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