Tuesday, April 26, 2011

E's birthday party

To add to the chaos of Easter weekend E's birthday fell at the same time as Easter. In fact it was on Easter. K's birthday is in Jan and I always feel prepared for her birthday. The last two years I have felt so overwhelmed with E's birthday and making sure we have everything together and it's all done right, is it going to rain and etc.... This year was the first year at our house so it was doubbly(is that a word) stressed.  I felt like I had done nothing for it and was so unprepared.  Also, we planned for an 11:30 party and never again will I have an 11:30 party. lol  However, after it was all said and done the most important person had a blast and loved it. That's all that mattered.  Here are some pictures from E's party.
E and her cupcakes

K and E, The sillies have set in

E trying to read her card

one of her new presents

Thanks to E's kindergarten teacher she has a book on butterflies

E's new favorite place. Build a bear

a new zu zhu pet


K gathering eggs at the hunt

Looks confident that she has enough

E getting her eggs

Heading in for the count

C and her first good egg hunting year

E is really concentrating on that flame

Hope she made a good wish

E's banner

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