Sunday, January 29, 2012

Happy Birthday K

On January 29, 2007 at 12:08 pm K made her appearance into this world. Coming in at 8 lbs 11 ozs and 183/4" long she was pretty much already walking. =) j/k She was a precious and a wonderful addition to our family. The joy and anticipation of how she was going to change our lives was invigorating. I couldn't wait to get home and begin our life as a family of 4.

K goes by a couple of names. Ry calls her Munchkin, I call her sunshine and E calls her whatever comes to mind from sis to sissy. She has a vivid imagination and loves animals of all kinds. She is a free spirit and tries her hardest to please everyone around. She has brought many a laughs the past 5 years and many more to come. I can't imagine what new things she will think up in the next. Happy Birthday Baby. I love you!

365 days 21-29

Weeelll, I have to say I was curious to see how long I could keep up the picture a day thing and this is it.. This is the week I just fell apart. It's not that I didn't like taking pictures every day I did, it's just that during the week we mostly do the same thing and drive the same way and see the same things. I am pretty sure you don't want to see the Liberty guys dancing for the billionth time or another beautiful sunrise/set. So for now I will spare you. Maybe if I wasn't so exhausted at the end of the day I will drive a different route home and find something worth while to take a picture of. We will see.. In the mean time I did take a few pics this week. Here they are. 

January 21, 2012 (sat)
Easy bake oven time! Sugar cookies and s'mores
January 22, 2012 (sun)
Impromptu movie day (no home brought snacks ;( )
Beauty and the Beast is still just a good as it was way back when

A horse ride

What to do with left over movie popcorn- feed the ducks
Watch out!! Don't let it poop on you!

Picked up shells

Let feathers go in the breeze

chased a few ducks


January 23, 2012 (mon)

Tea parties fit for a king and queen

January 24, 2012 (Tue)
This is a lacking day.. Nothing new or exciting happened, work, pick-up, dinner, bed 


January 25, 2012 (Wed)
Another lacking day. It was basically the same as the day above only we threw in church, to spice some things up. 
January 26, 2012 (Thur)
Yes! the skirt came in the mail. I am so excited!
Today I finished the putting the angry bird together and
sewed it on and fixed the skirt to make it smaller..

January 27, 2012 (Fri)
Daddy Daughter lunch

Mommy daughter lunch (yes at two different places)

The making of the Angry Birds for the big day

Late night run to Marble Slab.. yum


January 28, 2012 (Sat)

It's party day! 


January 29, 2012 (Sun)

Up early to play with new toys.. 
K's birthday day celebration is a trip to Sealife. 

A Very Angry Party!

This year for K's birthday party theme she asked for Angry Birds. I try to figure out a way to make that theme happen. This year's theme was a little challenging as Angry Birds is still relatively new. I looked at different party stores and online stores and there just wasn't anything out there. Finally I found some plates, cups, tablecloth, and napkins at party city and I knew the theme was on! I continued to do some research and found a couple of people who have done this theme already and borrowed some ideas. It turned out fabulous and K was most happy with it. 

The set up getting started

The Angry Cupcakes
I found this idea over at The Crafting Chicks
From start to finish (including baking time) was 3 hrs. Whew

The Angry Balloons. I couldn't find balloons anywhere but ebay. These
came from Malaysia. Shipping took forever and I was praying they would be here on time. 
We also got the blue bird but K wanted that one by her while opening presents.  

 The Angry Bags
These are just regular colored gift bags and I found the faces
at The Party Animal. These are actually faces for balloons 
but I think they work well here. 

The PIG piñata
This I was so stressing over and it turned out really cute. 
I found a mostly green piñata at Party city (one with jungle animals on it) 
Took off the front and back pictures and recovered it in green crete paper and 
added the face from the gift bags. 

The final set up!
This was a really fun party to do. 

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Dallas Zoo

On Monday when we were out of school for MLK, the weather was gorgeous, and it only cost $5 to get in. The Dallas Zoo was calling our name. We drove to my parents, jumped on the Dart train and landed at the zoo. Usually when we go we hit the big animals and leave. This day I wanted to see what we were missing, I wanted to see the Chimps and other animals. So, we pretend we were explorers and went in search of "other" animals. The way this zoo is laid out it is hard to get Zoo north and The Wilds of Africa in on the same day (especially when it closes at 4 and we don't get there till 11) We did the best we could and got all the Wilds in, the reptile building (K's favorite) and the Children's zoo finished.  Enjoy the pictures. 

on the way

ready to go

K and the penguin talking

and dancing

This was really funny to watch

really wanting to touch the penguin

red river hogs- I was told they are to be expecting some baby ones in the summer

remember the baby wart hogs from before? Look how big they are now. 
They are soon to be leaving though to Ohio =(

The giraffes were so much fun

K gets to touch him

OK you have touched me enough.. And YOU don't have food!

Watch out E, you might get a bath. 

apparently a little too close for comfort

E finally gets her turn to pet him

They had to switch to crackers due to people bringing in their own 
lettuce and trying to feed them. 

This is one of my favorite pictures. 

We finally found the baby giraffe.. 

Usually when we are out the animals are sleeping or resting. 
Today they were up and running

going on a safari -I really like the kid behind us reading the map

We visited the bird house and this beautiful bird was really smart. 

he was sitting by the door looking innocent until someone
held the door open a little long. If it wasn't for this poor bird
being nearsighted and hitting the closed door he would have
been gone. 

at the chimps there were 3 baby chimps 

K really talking to the baby

time for a snack

E really liked the sm bird exhibit. 

K gave all the birds names

I have never seen a stork. They are actually really tall. 

K finally getting the pony ride. 

E getting her turn. 

Trying to pet the pigs. 

The mongooses. 

We have never seen a rhino actually use it's horn. 
This was really cool to see. 

He moved all the logs to a middle pile.