Sunday, May 29, 2011

Summer time plans

Many times during the summer as parent's we hear "I'm bored."or "What are we doing today? " So, I have compiled a list of things to do this summer. Most are free or cheap and some are more costly.. (like the zoo) not all these things will be done but I am ready for the days that we can not stay in the same house together and must get out. =) If I forgot something or you know of something that is fun please let me know and I will add it to the list. 

Free things to do in Dallas/Ft. Worth
-Visit Pioneer Plaza & see the statues of the longhorns-Dallas

-Visit the mustang statues in Las Colinas 

-Go to the observation Station at DFW watch planes land and take off

-Fountain Place-1445 Ross Ave @Field Street. 

-Home depot for kid's make it take it-1st sat of the month

-Visit the Levitt Pavilion (kid songs wed 10:30 and 7:30)

-Visit Ft. Worth Botanic Gardens

-Visit the Water Gardens

-See the Daily cattle drive in Ft. Worth 11:30 and 4

-Story time at the Public Library

-Trinity River Audubon Center (free on the 3rd thur of the months)

-DMA (free on the 1st tue of the month.)

-There is always the local parks for nature finds

-feed the ducks at pond on Matlock

-Friday at the Farm free admission tractor rides $1. June 3& 17 July 1, 15& 29-grapevine 9-12

-play in the fountains at Uptown village (cedar Hill)

-River legacy living science center-Arlington

Cost a little
-register for 2 Free Bowling games every day AMF lanes (shoe rental not incl.)

-Log Cabin Village -Ft. Worth (Kids $4.00 Adults $4.50)

-Super Model Train@ children's medical center (admission is free/pay for parking)

-Play pools in city of Arlington ($2-$6.50 depending on pool) not sure if you need a pool pass also

-Train ride in Trinity Park (by zoo)-Ft. Worth Closed Mondays 11-5 T-F $3.50 and 3.00 CASH 

-Arties Playhouse (plays)-Hurst $5.00 Show for June is Cinderella  July is Little Mermaid by kids

-Putt Putt Golf and Games(go carts, batting cages, games) -1 game adult is $7.50 6-12 $5.50 under 5 free

Cost a little more 
Friday fun Train (runs only on a couple fridays)-Grapevine adults 10.00 kids $8.00

Sea Life Aquarium (OPENS JULY 1st)- Grapevine mills -????

Lego land- Grapevine mills- $19.00 adult $15.00 kids

Ft. Worth Zoo -Adults $12.00 Kids 3-12 $9.00 2-under free (1/2 price wednesdays)

Dallas Zoo -June-Dec adults $12.00 kids 3-12 $9.00 2-under free any other time add $3.00-does not include monorail, carousal, horse rides, camel rides and parking is $7.00 

-Dallas Arboretum - Adult-$12.00, 3-12 $8.00 parking $7.00


I am really dreading the summer time heat. Yesterday reached 97 degrees and it's only spring. Summer does not officially begin until June 21st but the heat is already here. I prefer the warmer days to cold winter days, but not this hot this early.. My favorite time is in the 80's with no wind. =) perfect days.. Which somehow we seemed to miss. It feels like it went from 70 to 90's over night. The girls love to play outside but with it being so HOT they don't like to go out and instead run yelling though the house.  So, I bought a pool for them. Not anything great but it will work to keep them cool. Next week the play pool by us opens up for summer and they can't wait to go play there with slides and sprinklers and everything else. Here are some pictures of them playing in the pool.

Saturday, May 28, 2011


Well the last few weeks have been overwhelmingly busy. With the end of school approaching everyone is have year end programs, practices, graduations, etc.. This last week was the first week in a long time that we didn't have anything to do extra on any night. =) It was so nice to just come home and chill.
I have 4 days left of this school year and then onto summer school for a month where I get to meet the new little kiddos for next year. This week is going to be another busy week not a night but during the day. Monday is no school Whoo hoo, Tues is E's graduation from Kindergarten.. Sigh, Wed is our graduation at school, Thur we have water day, and fri is the last day and all the craziness that comes with that. On top of all that I have been fighting with what I thought was just allergies and finally just felt like crap and went to the doc.. Turns out I have bronchitis, sinusitis, blisters in my throat and ears full of fluid.. Whoo hooo lol, Funny thing is the doc asked if I could be off work for 1.5 weeks to get better.. I laughed and said school ends in 1.5 weeks. So NO!. She told me to take it easy then at work... Again.. lol . If you know my job you know that can not be done. So luckily I told my kid I am sick and he needs to be good.. at least we have had no running..

K has had her year end program and last day of school. She loved her class and her teacher this year which is a really big step for her. She had 2 best friends (only 1 at a time) and we still have some play dates with one of them. =) She is really excited to be going to Nana's school for Pre-K next year but wants her teachers to come with her. =(  In fact she was ready to go on Friday and cried when I told her she had to wait till after summer.

E finishes up this week as well with a kindergarten graduation. I can't believe she is going to be in 1st grade. I am hoping to get her to my school with me (which she is really excited about ) but I have to wait on the final word on that. If not then they will both be at Nana's school for another year.

We have 1 t-ball game left which the girls are excited about..not the game finally finishing and then it's on to dance. Which they are really really excited about.. I just hope once they realize they have to listen and follow what the teacher is telling them to do and it's not just free dance they will still like it.

I can not wait for the summer and all the fun things we get to do.. Playing in the water, the water park by us opens up for the girls and has SLIDES =), lots of art, etc.... it's going to be a great summer just needs to hurry up and get here. Well time for the saturday shopping and cleaning.. have a great week.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day

Today is/was Mother's Day. The girls and R gave me my presents on Friday night. Why you may ask, because E just couldn't hold it together anymore. She was bursting at the seems with excitement for me to open her present and K was following right behind. To start off though on Monday E was very stressed. Apparently they had been talking about Mother's day a lot at school and had put a lot of pressure on her to get me the perfect gift. I told her all I needed was a hug and for them to be good and it would be a great day. But apparently that wasn't good enough for her. The good news her school does a store where she can buy something for me. This worked out well. She got her money from R and went shopping. She came home on Wednesday and had this huge smile and told me she found me the perfect gift. Turns out she did a really great job on getting me this really cute bracelet that says best mom on it. (pic to follow later) K couldn't be outdone and Nana and Pawpaw took her up so she could do her shopping and she got me a cute heart shaped earring holder. R also did a good job and made me this cute little book with random pictures of me and the girls growing up. This will be going to work for those days that I need a little reminder of what's important. (not that I really forget but makes the day go faster knowing they are waiting on me to get home). So back to today.. E picks out a card and gives it to me today.. Of course she gets the one with the dog that has a leg that itches.. It did bring a smile to my face so I guess it did it's job.  This morning R wanted me to sleep in and was planning on getting up with the girls but I was wide awake so I just got up at  6:45 this morning.. Happy Mother's day.. So I cleaned and decluttered the kitchen and got things ready to go on our busy day. We had lunch with my mom, grandparents and uncle at my mom's house. side note* Mom, I love you with all my heart and not a day goes by that I don't learn or remember something that you tried to teach me back then ;) I am the mom I am today from learning from You. Thanks for everything you have done for me. Back on track, Dinner tonight was with R's side of the family. Everything was good and had a great mother's day..

Saturday, May 7, 2011

One of THOSE days!

Everyone has them, some more then others. Families with children have them a lot more then those without. It was just one of those days.  What made it so bad? Who knows.. Could it be getting up both girls  at 7:40 on a Saturday for t-ball and having them whine the entire time while getting ready. It might be. Could it be having to sit in the dugout while K cried on the field because she played the field 3 times and now it was time to go? Could be.. What made it worse it the fact that this is Mother's Day weekend, a time where it is suppose to be fun and glorious to be a mom. When all I did (or felt like) was scolding the kids, telling them to stop whining and taking a nap. We made Mother's day cards for Nana, Mawmaw and nanny but even the joy that is usually in art was missing. Something was/is wrong today. We NEVER take naps on saturdays now that the girls are older. Today the girls and I had a nice 2 1/2 hr nap. I thought maybe we would all wake up in better moods. =( Didn't happen... Tomorrow is a new day.. Mother's day- a day that is full of activities and family. Hopefully it will be a better day. 

Monday, May 2, 2011

A week in review

Well I noticed that I haven't posted in about a week so I thought I would take the few mins that I have (well  never mind the kids are awake now) still I am going to do a quick catch up on what has been going on. First and foremost my brother and his family have been in town. It's been about 8 months since I had seen him. Most would say that's it that's not very long. However, my brother and I are close. In the last couple of months I was going through some serious withdraws and really needing to see him. So, I have been spending the last couple days hanging out with him. We have gone to the Arboretum, the zoo, had a couple of birthday parties and today we are suppose to be going to Grapevine mills. The bad news everybody has been sick with this sinus stuff. I guess Texas really is polluted. . *side note- I LOVE MY LYSOL! ;) Hopefully I have headed it off and my family won't get it. Also, I had been doing very well on not having any soda but with 3 birthday parties and having it brought into my house.. Somebody has to drink it. lol However, I only have 1 a day so it's still progress from 4 or more a day.

Last night while I was watching The Apprentice, a memo came across saying President Obama was going to speak. WHAT THE HECK!! It's 10:00 PM  THIS MUST BE IMPORTANT!  R and I were sitting there coming up with all different scenarios as to why he is speaking this late. I kinda felt bad about the fact that the news media stole his thunder about his BIG announcement. On the other hand if he wasn't an hr late in giving his speech then maybe it wouldn't have leaked out.  I am not sure how I feel about Bin Ladin being dead. On one hand I finally feel relief that our Soldiers finally did what they were sent to do. On the other hand what will his followers feel necessary to do to pay us back for killing their leader. Yes, the US sent the message, we always get our guy, but at what cost? Also, is it really necessary to be dancing in the streets? I understand people are happy but show some respect. Yes, apparently people danced over there for 9/11 but are we not better then them? OK getting off my soap box and getting my daughters ready for school.

Have a great day!